Qidiruv natijalari
InstaCopy Trading ilovasini bekor qilish.
InstaTrader-da nusxalangan savdoni yopishingiz mumkin, lekin uni bekor qila olmaysiz.
Spread hajmi
InstaTrade barcha savdo vositalari uchun berilgan spreadlarni ishlatadi, bosh valyuta juftliklari istisno bo'lgan holda. Kam likvidlik davri (23:30 dan 03:00 gacha terminal vaqti) davomida, ba'zi Forex asosiy valyutalarining spreadi 10 pips...
ИнстаТрайд компаниясининг савдо серверлари
Айни пайтда ИнстаТрайд компаниясининг савдо тизими 11 та тўла қийматли савдо серверларини ўз ичига олади: реал ҳисоб-варақлар учун мўлжалланган 9 та сервер ва демо ҳисоб-варақлари учун 2 та сервер. Ҳақиқий ҳисоб-варақлар учун қуйидаги...
Foydalanishni noto'g'ri hisoblash.
Foydalanish platvormamda ko'rsatilgan foyda ma'lumotlarimning mablag'ini qo'shishdan farqli bo'lishi nima uchun?Muammo bu InstaTrader sozlamalarida buyurtma valyutasida emas, balans oshishi mablag'ida natijani ko'rsatish uchun tanlovga ruxs...
Serverga ulanish yo'qolib ketdi.
Agar siz ""Ulanish yo'q"" xabarini pastdagi status qatori ichida ko'rasiz, quyidagilarni amalga oshiring:1. Platformani yopib qayta ishga tushuring.2. Platformani yoping, ""InstaTrader"" belgisi ustida chap tugmani bosib, ochiq bo'lgan oyna...
Maxsus koʻrsatkichlarni import qilish.
MT4 treyding platformasida non-standard indikatorlardan foydalanish uchun, "Fayl" menüsida "Ma'lumotlar papkasini ochish" buyrug'ini tanlang. Keyin MQL4 papkasini tanlash va indikator fayllarini "Indicators" papkasiga nusxa oling.Agar...
Ingliz tilidagi qidiruv natijalari uchun (7)
The platform fails to connect to the server. What should I do?If you see the "No connection" message in the status line in the bottom right corner, please do the following:1. Close the platform and restart it.2. Close the platform, press th...
Why does the profit shown in my trading platform differ from the sum by which the balance has been increased?The point is that in your InstaTrader setups the option to show the deal result in the currency of the order, not in the one of the...
Forex graphic charts are usually made in two coordinates - the price (shown on the vertical y-axis) and the time (shown on the x-axis). Sometimes the tick volume chart is also made along the y-axis. The time–axis scale (also called interval...
To use non-standard indicators on the MT4 trading platform, select Open Data Folder command in the File menu. Then you need to choose the MQL4 folder and copy indicator files to the Indicators folder. In case the custom indicator is importe...
InstaForex uses fixed spreads on all trading instruments except of Major currency pairs, during the period of low liquidity (from 23:30 to 03:00 terminal time), the spread on some Forex Majors can be increased up to 10 pips;EUR/CZK, and EUR...
You can close a copied trade in InstaTrader, but you cannot cancel it.
At the moment trading system of InstaForex includes 11 trading serves, 9 are for live accounts and 2 for demo accounts. Servers in the USA:InstaForex-USA.com (choose in the list of servers, or type in InstaTrader settings - InstaForex-USA.c...