Результати пошуку (1)
Глава 2. Учасники ринку Форекс
Навчання Форекс
Важливо розуміти, яке місце займає приватний інвестор в системі глобального обміну валют перш ніж приступити до торгівлі на ринку Форекс. Уявлення про типи учасників валютного ринку, а також їх вплив на Форекс допоможе краще зрозуміти, як з...
Результати пошуку англійською мовою (4)
Forex education
It is vital to understand what part a private investor plays in the global currency exchange market before starting trading forex. Giving an insight into the types of forex participants, as well as their influence on the market, will help y...
Forex education
Until now, talking about quotes, we have intentionally used only spot (current) Forex exchange rates to make our website easier to understand. However, a Forex quote consists of two rates (prices) - the sell rate (bid) and the buy rate (ask...
Forex education
Forex trading is aimed at making money on currency speculations. We have been describing the currency market above but avoided such topics as what starting capital is needed to work on Forex and what profit can be expected. In this chapter...
Forex education
In the previous chapter we compared work on Forex with the opportunity to earn from the buy/sell operations at an exchange office. It is obvious that Forex has a range of advantages that allow traders to take significant profit in a short t...