Hasil Pencarian (5)
Program Afiliasi InstaTrade
Program kemitraan
Program afiliasi InstaTrade adalah metode menghasilkan keuntungan tanpa risiko dengan InstaTrade. Broker forex mendapatkan spread yang dibayarkan klien mereka untuk membuka perdagangan. Anda bisa mendapatkan bagian dari profit broker jika A...
Syarat Program Afiliasi
Program kemitraan
Apa pun jenis program afiliasi yang Anda pilih, Anda akan selalu mendapatkan keuntungan berikut:1. Anda menghasilkan keuntungan pada setiap trading milik klien sebesar 1,5 pip dari spread atau 0,015% dari setiap volume transaksi (tergantung...
Registrasi Program Afiliasi
Program kemitraan
Anda bisa mendaftar untuk program afiliasi di bagian "Untuk Afiliasi" - Jenis Program Afiliasi di situs web utama. Anda harus memilih jenis program afiliasi dan mengisi formulir registrasi di situs web.Setelah mengisi formulir registrasi, a...
Hadiah program afiliasi
Program kemitraan
InstaTrade berkewajiban untuk: * membayar komisi afiliasi 1,5 pip untuk instrumen utama forex. * membayar komisi afiliasi 1,2 pip untuk instrumen CFD. * bayar komisi afiliasi $20 untuk EMAS; Komisi afiliasi $10 untuk PERAK.&n...
Program referral InstaTrade
Program kemitraan
Di bawah ini adalah tiga metode yang ditujukan untuk menarik klien baru (referral) sehingga mereka memberi Anda keuntungan dari setiap transaksi yang dieksekusi: - Menggunakan tautan afiliasi. Setiap orang yang mengikuti tautan ini lal...
Hasil pencarian untuk pencarian bahasa Inggris (9)
Partnership program
InstaForex affiliate program is a riskless method of making a profit with InstaForex. Forex brokers earn on spreads their clients pay to open trades. You can earn the part of the broker's profit if you become an affiliate and start attracti...
Partnership program
You can register for the affiliate program in the "For affiliates" - "Types of affiliate programs" section on the main website. You should choose the type of affiliate program and fill out the registration form on the websiteAfter filling o...
Partnership program
InstaForex is obliged to:* pay the 1.5 pip affiliate commission for forex major instruments.* pay the 1.2 pip affiliate commission for CFD instruments.* pay $20 affiliate commission for GOLD; $10 affiliate commission for SILVER.* pay 33.3%...
Partnership program
Below are three methods aimed to attract new clients (referrals) so that they bring you profit by each executed deal:- Using affiliate link. Everyone who follows this link and opens a trading account then, becomes your referral.- Using affi...
General questions
Yes, you can register your affiliate account within the PAMM system. However, this option is only available to register as a PAMM investor and PAMM partner.
General questions
Presently, there are no any restrictions on receiving commission from PAMM accounts. Nevertheless, such accounts comply with the common rules of InstaForex affiliate program.
Affiliate Pamm program
Having registered in the system as a PAMM partner, you get the part of a PAMM trader's dividends. If someone of the attracted investors starts trading, you get the commission as if your PAMM partner account is usual affiliate account.
StartUp no deposit bonus
Yes, you can. Kindly check the letter with the bonus account details, there is an affiliate link for inviting new clients. If your friend (attracted person) will follow your affiliate link and open the account with the StartUp bonus, you (a...
Partnership program
Affiliate account statistics are available in the "Referrals and Commissions "section of the affiliate area:"My referrals""My commissions""SUB IB and commissions""Rebate""Graphic statistics"...