Search results (26)
Determining a winner
1. The winners of the Contest are determined by a transparent internet voting carried out among the visitors of the contest`s website.2. The voting starts when a profile appears on the website of the Contest and continues till the end of th...
Choosing a winner
Every month during the campaign period a winner is determined on a random basis.If the winner is brought in by means of an affiliate program, his/her agent receives an additional prize.
Determining the winners of the Great Race contest
1. All trades of the contestants are automatically closed at current prices at the end of each step of the contest.2. The owners of the largest deposits are declared the winners.3. If the results of the contest show that two contestants hav...
Receiving the prize won in the Great Race contes
1. The winners should open and verify accounts within 30 consecutive days after the contest results are announced.2. The prize funds will be credited to a verified live trading account of the client.3. The winner acknowledges that any activ...
Receiving the prize won in the InstaTrade Sniper contest
1. The winners should open and verify accounts within 30 consecutive days after the contest results are announced.2. The prize funds will be credited to a verified live trading account of the client.3. The winner acknowledges that any activ...
Determination of the Lucky Trader winners
To determine the winners of the Lucky Trader contests, the Company uses a rating, which is calculated by summing up profits for all positive trades and subtracting losses for all negative trades. However, there is only one limitation: a con...
Receiving the prize won in the Lucky Trader contest
The winners should open and verify accounts within 30 consecutive days after the contest results are announced. The prize funds will be credited to a verified live trading account of the client.The Company will send a notification to the pa...
Required documents
According to the rules, the results of the contest are published within 14 days after the contest and after the company conducts all necessary verification procedures. The list of winners will be published in the Contest winners section on...
Determination of the FX-1 Rally winners
1. All trades of the contestants are automatically closed at current prices within the first 10 minutes after the contest is over. The participants acknowledge that the closing prices may vary due to a several minutes difference in closing...
Receiving the prize won in the FX-1 Rally contest
1. The winners should open and verify accounts within 30 consecutive days after the contest results are announced.2.The prize funds will be credited to a verified live trading account of the client.3. Prizes, unlike profits, cannot be withd...