Search results (4)
Duration and terms of the campaign
Try your luck with InstaTrade! The luckiest trader will become the owner of a two-seater supercar Ferrari F8 Tributo.To join the contest, you need to deposit USD/EUR* 1,000 to your InstaTrade live account and sign up here.All registered acc...
Announcing the results of the campaign
Results of the contest are unveiled within 45 days after its termination and all necessary checks.InstaTrade reserves the right to publish information about results of a contest, award ceremonies, and other related events on the company’s w...
How to receive the prize
1. The winner can receive the prize at the representative office in Kaliningrad or Moscow, Russia, as well as anywhere in the world on agreement.2.The winner can receive the prize only after ID validity is checked and the Acceptance Certifi...
Choosing a winner
The winner of the Ferrari InstaTrade contest will be determined according to the following scheme: the winner is selected on the basis of the last 5 digits of a trading account, no matter if it contains 5, 6, or 7 digits. If these 5 digits...