نتائج البحث (3)

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نتائج البحث (3)
فقد الاتصال بالخادم.
أسئلة فنية
فقدان اتصال بالخادميتعذر على المنصة الاتصال بالخادم. ما العمل؟إذا رأيت رسالة "لا يوجد اتصال" في السطر السفلي في الزاوية اليمنى السفلية، يرجى اتباع الخطوات التالية:1. أغلق المنصة وأعد تشغيلها.2. أغلق المنصة، اضغط بزر الماوس الأيمن على العلام...
تعليم الفوركس
الفجوة هي كسر في الرسم البياني والذي قد يظهر عندما يحدث تغير حاد وسريع في السعر. في الرسم البياني ، تبدو الفجوة وكأنها كسر سعر كبير لأي جانب ، مما يجعل المسافة بين مستويات إغلاق فترة ما وافتتاح أخرى. يمكنك ملاحظة الفجوة فقط باستخدام أوضاع ا...
خوادم التداول لشركة إنستافوركس
الشروط التجارية
في الوقت الحالي يشمل نظام تداول إنستافوركس 11 سيرفر تداول ، 9 منها للحسابات الحقيقية و 2 للحسابات التجريبية.خوادم في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية:InstaTrade-USA.com (اختر في قائمة الخوادم ، أو اكتب في إعدادات InstaTrader - InstaTrade-USA.com)...
نتائج البحث للبحث باللغة الإنجليزية (13)
Technical questions
The platform fails to connect to the server. What should I do?If you see the "No connection" message in the status line in the bottom right corner, please do the following:1. Close the platform and restart it.2. Close the platform, press th...
Non-market quote is the price level inside the gap. It represents several price ticks of similar value which form a price gap. It is directly related to the quotes that appear due to the price noise. This price level occurs aimid the lack o...
Types of strategies
Breakout trading means buying an asset after it has moved above a certain price level (and vice versa for selling). The breakouts can emerge on any time frames. The 5-minute and 15-minute charts are popular among day traders practicing brea...
Technical analysis
In technical analysis, there is a possibility to observe graphical figures which confirm the current trend. They are known as figures of the trend continuation. They depict a relatively short period of market consolidation after which break...
Technical analysis
Forex graphic charts are usually made in two coordinates - the price (shown on the vertical y-axis) and the time (shown on the x-axis). Sometimes the tick volume chart is also made along the y-axis. The time–axis scale (also called interval...
Types of strategies
The “secret” of this trading strategy is that the shorter the duration of your trade, the less money you will make.Think about any investment you have ever made. Did you make a killing in one day?And even if you are so lucky, how many times...
Technical analysis
Point and Figure charts differ from the bar charts in two significant ways. At first, bar charts are constructed on time intervals regardless of whether there is any change in price. A new plot on a Point and Figure chart is made only if th...
Normal market conditions meet each of the following requirements: absence of noticeable breaks in quotes supply on the trading platform, absence of rushing price dynamics, and absence of essential price gaps.
A gap is a discontinuous space on the price chart which may appear during rapid price changes. On the chart, a gap looks like an area where the price moves sharply up or down, which creates a space between the closing level of one trading p...
Trading conditions
At the moment trading system of InstaForex includes 11 trading serves, 9 are for live accounts and 2 for demo accounts. Servers in the USA:InstaForex-USA.com (choose in the list of servers, or type in InstaTrader settings - InstaForex-USA.c...