
MyDigiTrade - 自动交易

Emet Trading Solutions
Emet Trading Solutions是一支经过高等培训,关注自动交易编程且经验丰富的程序员组成的专业队伍。他们的主要服务是向交易员和分析师出售他们自己的交易策略。Emet-Trading-Solutions为包括MT4在内的多种平台开发自动交易系统。Emet-Trading-Solutions把客户的交易理念转化为可用的全自动策(机器人和专家顾问等)并按照每位客户的需求对指标进行个性化。

J&K Investment Group / J&K Forex Trading
We provide clients free telegram channel for Forex signals and analysis and VIP channel with aprox. 15-20 monthly Forex signals with high accuracy.

ELOMGROUP (Efficient Literacy Of Modified Trading) are managing traders of InstaTrade Company with various background in different specialization (engineering, accounting, developer, programmer, etc) that simply contribute to the transformation of society in foreign exchange industry to achieve a more profitable, sustainable, and simpler future. Elomgroup started their journey with human capabilities, designing an Artificial Intelligence (AI) to take over the parts of a task that people are bad at and let people decide upon high-level goals and constraints.
The unique invention of EURO system (Electronic Unified Resilience Outlet -AI) really help to make trading efficient for human. The AI are wired to stick to system commands and take valid trade signals, without feeling pain from losses or joy from wins.