
ব্যঙ্গাত্মক বর্ণনা এবং ফরেক্সের প্রবেশদ্বার বিন্যাস

Trump appreciates merits of cryptocurrency

Trump appreciates merits of cryptocurrency

Bizarre billionaire Donald Trump is brimming with ideas again. This time, the Republican presidential candidate has stated that the country should not sell its Bitcoin. Digital assets should be used to build a "mining superpower" as the US has enough capacity to morph into it, Donald Trump believes.

The policymaker came up with this idea after it was reported that 28,000 BTC (worth almost $1.56 billion) was transferred from a government address to an unknown wallet last week.

"We should strive to build a mining superpower. If America doesn't do it, China and other countries will outperform us," the billionaire warned.

Trump also referred to cryptocurrency as "very modern," comparing it to artificial intelligence. He insists that America "cannot afford to fall behind" in this area and that digital assets can help the country solidify its status as a global leader. Trump also expressed his desire for the nation to become a "Bitcoin mining superpower."

Earlier, the ex-US president suggested that Bitcoin could help lawmakers tackle the national debt, which has surpassed $35 trillion. Senator Cynthia Lummis agrees with this strategy. This idea is the cornerstone of the Bitcoin Act, recently proposed by her on Capitol Hill.


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